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SAVE THE CHURCHES aims to collect and preserve in a virtual hub all the Hungarian churches built all over the world, mainly but not exclusively Catholic churches, which are part of the historical, cultural and ecclesiastical heritage and represent an important place to transmit the faith, furthermore they are an essential community-building and preserving force of the Hungarian (Catholic) emigration.
The physical preservation of these churches contributes to strengthening the life and cohesion of the diaspora communities, their historical memory, their ties with the Motherland and their future. We therefore seek to offer a helping hand to communities threatened with losing their churches through our SOS package, which provides useful information on the steps they can take in their desperate situation.
This virtual space also aims to commemorate former Hungarian churches that have been closed, demolished or handed over to other religious communities and their associated communities, by publishing the surviving information available about them.
This mission is to be achieved through community effort and cooperation, involving the respective church communities, diaspora researchers and professionals working in this field.